“How to Receive Power to Live as a Witness to Christ”

1.  Acts 2:37-39:  “Repent for all of your sins, commit your life to obeying Christ, be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost”

2.  Acts 1:8:  “When the Holy Ghost fills you, you receive power to live as a witness unto Christ wherever you go”

3.  Acts 1:14, 2:1-14, 37:  “When the Holy Ghost fills you, you must choose to speak out loud in unknown tongues and then preach out loud God’s Law and God’s Grace, through Christ.

4.  1 Corinthians 14:2:  “Know that when you are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in unknown tongues, only God will be able to understand you (you will not be able to understand yourself)”

5.  1 Corinthians 14:4:  “Know that when you are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in unknown tongues, you edify, build up, or, charge, yourself, in Christ”

6.  1 Corinthians 14:5:  “Know that when you are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in unknown tongues, you are doing God’s Will”

7.  1 Corinthians 14:14, Proverbs 3:5:  “Know that when you are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in unknown tongues, your spirit is praying to God, and your mind (understanding) is not supposed to understand; this helps you to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding “

8.  1 Corinthians 14:15:  “Know that when you are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in unknown tongues, you do so as an act of your will, choosing to obey God”

9.  1 Corinthians 14:39:  “Know that when you are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in unknown tongues, you are not to let other people, the devil suggesting negative thoughts to your mind, or yourself, influence you to stop obeying God in speaking in tongues, and, thereby, not be filled with the Holy Spirit and receive power to live as a witness to Christ”

10.  Luke 11:9-13, 1 John 5:14-15:  “In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, ask your Heavenly Father to fill you with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in unknown tongues, so that you can receive power and obey Him by living as a witness unto Christ. Because you have asked something that is in agreement with God’s Will, be convinced that you have received what you asked for. Open your mouth, raise your voice, begin speaking aloud in a language that you have never learned, intellectually”

11.  Acts 2:14, 37, Isaiah 58:1:  “Lift up your voice, wherever you are, and speak heart-pricking scriptures to convict people of their sins and point them towards Christ as their only hope for salvation; preach to at least one person this week, and one additional person each week following”

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