After reading each day’s individual chapter, please write in the appropriate prayer time(s), and place an “x” on the line (“_____”) provided, indicating that you have completed the Bible reading. Then, please write in the answer to the chapter questions (feel free to re-read the chapter as many times as necessary in order to answer the questions; hint: after reading the entire chapter, find the question as it appears in the chapter and write the answer to the question exactly as it appears in the chapter).
Day 1: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 30) _____
What happens when God executes judgments in sinners’ lives?
Day 2: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 31) ____
What wickedness did “the Assyrian” do that caused God to drive him out?
Day 3: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 32) _____
When did God say that the land of Egypt would know that He was the Lord?
Day 4: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 33) _____
If you choose to rebel against God and refuse to “speak to warn the wicked from his way”, at whose hand will God require the wicked person’s blood or life?
Day 5: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 34) _____
(a) Did God say that He was for or against the majority of shepherds (pastors)?
(b) Who did God say that the shepherds (pastors) were feeding, themselves or the flock (congregation)?
Day 6: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 35) _____
What happens when God judges people? ______________________________________
Day 7: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 36) _____
When Christ is sanctified in Christians or when Christians show Christ’s Holiness in their lives, what will non-Christians know?
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