After reading each day’s individual chapter, please write in the appropriate prayer time(s), and place an “x” on the line (“_____”) provided, indicating that you have completed the Bible reading. Then, please write in the answer to the chapter questions (feel free to re-read the chapter as many times as necessary in order to answer the questions; hint: after reading the entire chapter, find the question as it appears in the chapter and write the answer to the question exactly as it appears in the chapter).
Day 1: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (2 Corinthians 5) _____
When we stop all sin, are reconciled to God through the Lord Jesus Christ, and begin to live “in Christ”, what are we to realize has been “given to us”?
Day 2: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (2 Corinthians 6) ____
When is the “day of salvation”?
Day 3: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (2 Corinthians 7) _____
What does “godly sorrow work”?
Day 4: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (2 Corinthians 8) _____
For our financial giving to be acceptable to God, what type of mind must we have?
Day 5: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (2 Corinthians 9) _____
According to what should one give financially to God’s Work?
Day 6: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (2 Corinthians 10) _____
What are we to do to “imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God”?
Day 7: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (2 Corinthians 11)____
What things should we “glory” in?
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