After reading each day’s individual chapter, please write in the appropriate prayer time(s), and place an “x” on the line (“_____”) provided, indicating that you have completed the Bible reading. Then, please write in the answer to the chapter questions (feel free to re-read the chapter as many times as necessary in order to answer the questions; hint: after reading the entire chapter, find the question as it appears in the chapter and write the answer to the question exactly as it appears in the chapter).
Day 1: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Luke 18) ___
Who shall be exalted?
Day 2: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Luke 19) ____
For what did Christ the Son of man come?
Day 3: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Luke 20) _____
How did the Lord of the vineyard (the Heavenly Father) think that the husbandmen (the Jews) would treat His Son (Christ)?
Day 4: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Luke 21) _____
What “shall not pass away”?
Day 5: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Luke 22) _____
When people betray Christ, His Biblical followers, and His Biblical work, to non-Christian authorities, who has entered them and motivated them?
Day 6: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Luke 23) _____
What did Jesus pray for those who killed Him (that we must pray for those who try to kill Him and His work, in us)?
Day 7: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Luke 24) ____
What must we preach in Christ’s Name?
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