After reading each day’s individual chapter, please write in the appropriate prayer time(s), and place an “x” on the line (“_____”) provided, indicating that you have completed the Bible reading. Then, please write in the answer to the chapter questions (feel free to re-read the chapter as many times as necessary in order to answer the questions; hint: after reading the entire chapter, find the question as it appears in the chapter and write the answer to the question exactly as it appears in the chapter).
Day 1: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 9) _____
What do people say in order to deceive themselves into committing iniquities that are exceeding great?
Day 2: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 10) ____
Where did the Lord tell the man to scatter the coals of fire?
Day 3: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 11) _____
What are the positions of those whom God says “devise mischief” and give wicked counsel in this city?
Day 4: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 12) _____
Why do people (in what is falsely called “church”) “have eyes to see and see not” and “have ears to hear, and hear not”?
Day 5: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 13) _____
By promising the wicked, sinners, eternal life, without requiring them to first stop all sin and start obeying God completely, through Christ, what are today’s false preachers doing?
Day 6: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 14) _____
What does God send upon a land when the people sin against Him? _________________
Day 7: Planned Prayer Time: _____ Time prayed: _____ (Ezekiel 15) _____
When people commit a trespass, or, sin, against God, what does God do?
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